Sunday, January 24, 2016

Week of January 25-29,2016

Image result for spring semester 2016
Welcome to the new semester! All students and parents are looking online at Infinite Campus for their new schedules unless they are newly enrolled on campus. We are NOT printing schedules for them to pick up like we have in the past (saving almost 2000 sheets of paper!) PLEASE check your rosters carefully. If any student is in your class but NOT on your IC roster, please send have them look in IC at their schedule and send them to the correct class or, if no class is listed for that period or you are unsure what to do with them, send them to Guidance for a resolution.

FRESHMAN SHOWCASE: February 10, 2016
A big THANK YOU to all who worked on our promotional flier that was mailed out to over 400 incoming Freshman! Marketing efforts continue to all of our client K-8 schools plus notable private schools near us. If you would like fliers to take to any friends, neighbors or elsewhere, please let Ginny Bell know. She can get you either of these documents in color for sharing! We want to GROW our great programs and the class of 2020 is a GREAT opportunity to do so!

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) 

Thank you to all for incorporating our PBIS efforts into your classroom and campus expectations. While Mrs. Tanya Morrison has been out on maternity leave, big thanks go to WHHS alum Meagan Sage for taking on this long term substitute position teaching her U.S. History classes as well as working with our 100 CEIS students. 

As always, for a full schedule of WHHS events, please take a look at our website