Saturday, April 2, 2016

Week of April 4-8,2016

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REMINDER: All Faculty and Staff PLC meeting Monday, April 4 in S-8 at 7:45. Please check the agenda and complete your "Elevator Pitch" for use in our time together! Bring your laptop or phone to view our responses. 

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Last semester, the Tree of Gratitude  was a wonderful schoolwide positive activity.  In an effort to continue encouraging positive conversations and community we have a Spring activity for this week.
Please take a few minutes from your 3rd period class to complete the following activity one day. Students will use the leaves to write their response to the following prompt:

Spring is a time of fresh starts and new beginnings. What is a positive change you will make this Spring? 
(not limited to academics but school appropriate to share on our public tree)

Extension ideas-  Have students share their response with a partner, ask for volunteers to share with the whole class, or encourage the whole class to share.
  • You will find a class set of  paper leaves in your boxes by Friday 4/1.
  • A flower for the staff member. 
  • Please drop of your completed leaves and flowers to Sarita or Nancy in the VP's Office. (We will be using these leaves to build a new tree in the office.)
​Thank you so much for your participation and support, 
PBIS (Postive Behavior Interventions and Supports) Team

Multi-Cultural Fair and Club drive is Wednesday, April 6 at lunch. Multicultural Fair Day is TUESDAY MAY 17. A HUGE "Thank you" to Jodi Kohler and Dan Sutton for stepping up and leading students and the committee this year! 
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We really need ALL staff supporting and participating to make this a robust and worthy experience! Please get involved in any way you can--continue to build in multi-cultural curricular connections where ever possible; follow through with student clubs and assist students with their efforts, attend with your classes. 
We want this to be a worthy and valued experience as it has in the past.

The spring musical, The Drowsy Chaperone will open this week. Mix-ups, mayhem, monkeys, gangsters, roller skates, and an airplane are only some of the hilarious elements in this musical!  April 8th, 15th, 16th @7pm, April 9th @2pm in the Bob Guess Theatre.

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WHHS FOUNDATION Annual Golf Tournament: April 16: Check out more information here. All proceeds this year will go towards refurbishing our Weight Room. You can play with friends, donate towards a gift basket (time or talents) or simply encourage GOLFERS you know to PLAY! Great value for the donation and great day of golf! 

Image result for every student succeeds act logoEvery Student Succeeds Act (ESSA): Take a look at what replaced the flawed and fatal NCLB act with the new federal education policy. More accountability for English Learners, students with IEPs, low income, Foster and Homeless Youth and more flexibility for states to meet the requirements. 

For a complete listing of all activities for the week, please visit our website.

Go Wolf Pack!