Saturday, April 30, 2016

Week of May 2-6, 2016

Image result for west hills high school logo

Activities and Schedule for the Week:
Schedule: Regular week (AP Testing each day: check the test schedule here)

Wednesday May 4, Period 5: Student Senate
Friday, May 6: MORP Dance Pep Rally at student lunch; Dance in GYM at 7:00 p.m.

Thank you to everyone who made Debbie's last day on Friday a WONDERFUL one! We say "Aloha" for now but I'm making her come back for our End of the Year Luncheon!

Image result for mandated reporter
As employees, we have a new training required by AB1432 regarding child abuse and neglect mandated reporter information.  An email was sent on Friday to ALL STAFF. EVERYONE is required to participate in this training--all employees. It is set up in much the same way as the "Making Right Choices" training we had to do several years ago.  This AB1432 training is an online "course" that will take about 15-30 minutes to complete.  You can work on it as you have time, and it will bookmark where you left off so that you can pick up at the same spot when you have time to return until it is finished.  HR will receive notification once you have fully completed this training.

You will receive an email from "" with the information you need to take this course.  After you receive this email, you can get started any time.  Please complete this within the next two months, and we'll be sending out periodic reminders.  Please let Robin know if you have any questions. 

Thank you!

Image result for Google basics

Do you feel like you need to learn more Google basics? Are you wondering how you might learn some tips and tricks? Our own Instructional Technology folks have heard about this need and is ready to respond!

Classified staff that need support, can request personalized help on the Classified Cafe.

Teachers: We are offering a three-part series of site-based workshops in May. These are currently open to certificated staff and will run for an hour after school. Our two new DLCs, John Berray  and Franz Ruiz, will help April Baker and Reuben Hoffman cover almost all of the sites. Participating teachers will be paid for one hour at the Professional Activities rate. Teachers can attend the sessions at schools other than their own, but they need to note the start times. They can attend one or all three.

Here are the scheduled workshops for your site:
Here is the complete schedule:
Here is the registration form:

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Multicultural Fair Day is TUESDAY MAY 17.

Suzanne shared with me resources and links she used in the library last year that got a lot of conversation going with students:

Here is a link that I mentioned about posting in the library (I only posted the first 3 slides) last year:

Here is a shared resource about the idea of a cultural iceberg that may be of use in discussions with students: 

To help us with our personal interactions and relationship building, Department Chair and Leadership Team had a discussion about our goals for this experience.  A great TEDtalk related to this that may be helpful for us is:

As always, please find more activities of the week and much more on our webpage

Go Wolf Pack!